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In today's highly competitive market, operators of processing facilities are called upon to adapt their installations to changing conditions of demand for products and competitive alternatives in increasingly shorter time frames. Revamps of rotating equipment as a cost-effective means of bridging gaps in processing capacity have become a frequent industry practice. Because processing facilities are subject to contractual commitments with purchases or products and/or feedstock the economic interest of companies are impacted by plant downtime. Hence, the economic feasibility of successful revamps of rotating equipment often rests on the capacity of the operator tot keep plant downtime to a minimum. In the event of a complex, multi-machine revamp careful planning of the operation to complete the execution of the project within the allotted time span becomes the key factor for success. This paper discusses the planning and execution of a multi-machine revamp performed in a project for installation of a new cryogenic processing train in an existing gas processing plant to improve the levels of production from 22 to 36 MM stm3/day, which based its feasibility on the reconfiguration and redesign of the vital elements of the plan (inlet and residual gas compressors.
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