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In the process of designing a gas compression facility, it is important to ensure the mechanical reliability of the system through proper analysis of the fluid and structural systems. Pulsation models of the reciprocating compressor systems are developed to study the dynamic pressure and flow characteristics for the planned operating conditions. Similarly, mechanical models are developed for the study of the structural dynamic characteristics. Predicted pulsations and loading from the reciprocating compressor components are added to the simulation to predict the forced response of the mechanical system. These predictions are then used to identify potential problems and design modifications are studied to eliminate the problems. However, design iterations can be time consuming, so system optimization is often limited to a small number of variables. This paper presents recent research on the subject of optimizing the design and robustness of pulsation and vibration control techniques of reciprocating compressors using SwRI developed probabilistic analysis software. Efforts are being made in the following areas: - Bottle size (cost & weight) optimization versus pulsation and vibration amplitudes - Improving design robustness to be less sensitive to installation variables - Identifying key piping restraint locations that are most critical to successful operation - Rapidly evaluating multiple load steps and operating conditions to determine worst cases
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